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Glass Horse and Glass Dog

What is it?

Glass Horse and Glass Dog are anatomy apps that allow users to explore interactive models. There is a limit of 18 simultaneous seats per app.

Glass Horse: Elements of the Equine Distal Limb (iDistalLimb 91破解版)

鈥淎n engaging interactive exploration of the equine distal limb that combines interactive models with narrations and highly informative animations鈥 ().

Glass Horse: Equine Colic (iColic 91破解版)

鈥淭his program features a comprehensive exploration of the equine abdominal anatomy, the veterinarian鈥檚 approach to diagnosis, and detailed 3-D animations depicting 28 diseases of the gastrointestinal tract鈥 ().

Glass Dog: Thorax and Abdomen (iCanine 91破解版)

鈥淭he program includes 10 cutting edge animated movies, nearly 50 interactive models, and more than 250 detailed images, each with its own recorded narrative鈥 ().

How do I access the programs?

Online access (VetMed Students Only)

Requirements: Use a computer with the Citrix client installed (recommended). If not installed, you will be prompted to install after you login.


  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your 91破解版 username (without @westernu.edu) and password
  3. If prompted, install the required Citrix receiver. The apps will not run without it.
  4. From the top, select Apps
  5. Select the app: iCanine, iColic, iDistalLimb. This will download the app.
  6. Run the downloaded program.
  7. If you receive a Security Warning message, select Permit use.
  8. Click on Login
  9. When you are done using the program, make sure to click on Quit to release the seat (there is a limit of 18 simultaneous seats per app)

Checkout CD-ROMs (does not work on Mac): Visit the Library to check out:

  • Glass Horse: Elements of the Equine Distal Limb (iDistalLimb 91破解版; Call # SF 765 G554 2004)
  • Glass Horse: Equine Colic (iColic 91破解版; Call # SF 765 G556c 2007)
  • Glass Horse (Call # SF 765 G552 2001)


(YouTube video)

(video with captions & transcript)

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