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Cost of Attendance

Looking for how much it may cost to attend 91Æƽâ°æ? Please see the table below for an estimate of the cost of attendance for a first year student:

Master of Science in Nursing – Entry (MSN)

Tuition & Fees $62,075.00

Budgets are subject to change, and every student’s situation is unique. Please visit our Master of Science in Nursing – Entry Financial Aid page for a full breakdown of costs and additional information on the services and resources that are available, including information on scholarship opportunities.

the College of Graduate Nursing held a White Coat Ceremony for FNP students.

Applying For Financial Aid

Our goal is to provide quality customer service, counseling and support to all our students during their academic career at 91Æƽâ°æ. Many additional services and resources can be found on the Office of Financial Aid website.